Rendering Realities

bila turun tangga kene senget sikit, 2023 
here i rest, here i lay, 2023 
and with that i begin, and with that i end
, 2023 
Projection, screen, 3D Print, Speaker 
16:9 Dual Channel Video Looped, 1min ~ 2min 

The installation reflects the artist's personal perspective, serving as a safe haven for her to seek solace and transform the intangible into tangible structures that explore the self and the environment. The artwork is an attempt and a recognition of the challenge in capturing fleeting mental images, sounds, and emotions associated with domestic spaces in the past, present, and future. As the artist matures, her memories become increasingly fragile and subject to alteration, representing her perception of memory rather than precise recollection. The installation carries a strong sense of nostalgia without a defined method for addressing this need or revisiting specific memories, yet it materializes these emotions. Additionally, the artwork investigates how these memories influence her daily life, and the sensory-immersive visualization invites viewers to participate." 

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Nur Khairunnisa (b.2000, Singapore) is a multidisciplinary artist known for utilizing a range of creative channels to give life to her ideas and contemplations. Her artistic process has deep connections to her individual circumstances, living conditions, and the life experiences gathered during her upbringing in Singapore.