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Rendering Realities
Nurul Hanis Binte Moksan
Hanis Moksan (b. 1999, Singapore) is a final year student in BA (Hons) Fine Arts at LASALLE College of the Arts. She experiments with a multitude of materials in her artistic practice, ranging from ink to electronic light. Her works focus on capturing and distilling emotions in relation to the memories of materials. Hanis equips art as a tool for communicating emotions, highlighting how art transcends aesthetics and can reveal the nature (character, essence) of a person. She seeks to bring out and reflect upon human values in her conceptual and creative processes.
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i saw it coming
Loop video with sound
i saw it coming explores the idea of anticipation, expectation and heightened senses surrounding horror using 3D software. The work wishes for viewers to ponder upon the question of what brings about fear, with the possiblity of having to face it head on. What lies behind the walls? Are you prepared at every corner? Originating from the artist's childhood fear of "Orang Minyak", a malay folk horror figure, Hanis attempts to create her own visualisation of it.
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