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The Performative Body
Nur Halimah Jasni
Nur Halimah Jasni (b. Singapore) is a multidisciplinary artist whose interests range from historical research to exploration of feminine responsibilities through depictions of culture, heritage, and tradition. Through the topic of her studies, she hopes to reconnect with her roots and open up possibilities for alternative constructions of knowledge. Halimah’s works have been showcased at National Museum Singapore, ION Art Gallery, Ngee Ann Kongsi Gallery and NIE Art Gallery. Recent exhibitions include Project It'll Be Alright (National Museum Singapore, 2022). She also has a Diploma in Art Teaching from NIE and a Diploma in Graphic Design from NAFA.
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Just Keep Sweeping
Ghee, Broom Stick, Carpet
So much of what we are told are based on categorisations. Almost everything we watch or read actively encourages us to label, pigeonhole and constrain ourselves within a box. Are you single and independent, or in a relationship and codependent? Are you slim or fat? It is as if we are not allowed to exist in the in between. This artwork is inspired by the personal experience of being labelled. The performance focuses on the act of throwing and sweeping huge amounts of ghee extracted from the body. The idiom “to sweep something under the rug” encapsulates how Asian families often resolve their issues. Biting one’s tongue in many of these situations does not stem from a fear of the consequences of speaking up but driven by the importance of keeping peace.
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