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Rendering Realities
Lee Zhong Jie Joanzzie
Lee Joanzzie (b.2000, Singapore) is a multidisciplinary artist whose works span a diverse range of subject matter. She is presently exploring astronomy, astrophysics and its phenomena in her current practice. Joanzzie aims to better understand the structures of and sentiments evoked by these celestial events, with the use and exploration of mainly digital media, inspired by pop culture, films and internet-culture aesthetics. By incorporating these elements, she hopes to explore different ways of creating work that is relevant to the progress of new discoveries and create abstracted experiences for one to immerse themselves in.
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hydrogen dive
Looped video on CRT television, lamp
Joanzzie's work explores cosmic landscapes though the lens of the hydrogen aesthetic. Evoking feelings akin to being in limbo, suspended in states of calmness and subtle displacement, the work offers a reimagination of galaxy filaments- one of the largest known structures of the universe.
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