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Wearable Art
Gan Adriana Binte Muhammad Azmi Gan
Gan Adriana (b. 1997, Singapore) is currently pursuing her undergraduate studies at LASALLE College of the Arts. Her practice reflects on knowledge and experience obtained from the everyday and is consistent in displaying a positivist mindset by seeing the good out of all things bad. Adriana's art-making process begins with an introspection of her emotions and identifying what matters most to her at a particular moment, whether it is acknowledging past traumas, healing, finding a sense of identity or navigating familial relationships. Her works often explore the interconnectivity of natural materials surrounding her, with past works exhibiting a particular fascination with strings and organic materials. Adriana hopes to continue making art that inspires and speaks to people beyond what words can convey.
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False Façade
Plastic seal bags, Clear acrylic sheets, clear acrylic rods, resin
31 x 31 x 17 cm
False Façade explores the need to hide behind a façade in order to contain one’s vulnerability. A false appearance is generated to make a person seem better than they actually are. The work consists of a pair of wings attempting to cover the body, but due to the clear nature of its material and limited reach, the body is still on full display for others to view. This failed pursuit in trying to hide imperfections ends up displaying the entirety of the body and revealing its vulnerability.
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