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Rendering Realities
Chang Jia Xuan Luna
Luna Chang (b. 2001) is a multidisciplinary artist and photographer pursuing their degree in Fine Arts. They specialise in fine art photography and illustration, and are currently exploring 3D rendering and animation. Their work is mainly a study of urban practices, an exploration of the borders between life and death, as well as the concept of chaos and catharsis. Luna hopes that their work can impact the world positively and bring unexplored emotions to the surface. Coming from a diploma in Arts Business Management, Luna also has a penchant for marketing and communications. They have worked with arts organisations such as National Youth Council, National Gallery Singapore and DECK.
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Looped video with sound + light installation
US LUMINOUS BEINGS discusses life after death, and how technology can be used to preserve the life of someone who has passed on. The work is inspired by a profound line in Cosmos by Carl Sagan- “The nitrogen in our DNA, the calcium in our teeth, the iron in our blood, the carbon in our apple pies were made in the interiors of collapsing stars. We are made of starstuff." Perhaps the stars in the sky in today's digital age are the pixels on our screens.
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